According to Japanese Book Traditional Medical Book
By Prof Emeritus Dr Bunichi Takashima
Meiji College of Oriental Medicine, Japan.
The 'Ishinpo' is considered to be the oldest medical textbook in Japan. Consist of 30 chapters and in the Chapter of 'Acupuncture & Moxibustion', 661 meridian points are mentioned, 649 points from 'Huangdi Neijing Mintang' and 11 points from the other sources.
The 'Zhenjiu Juying' was edited by Gao Wu of Ming Dynasty in 1529 and the 'Zhenjiu Dacheng' was edited by Yang Jizhou of Ming Dynasty in 1601.
The ten diseases mentioned treated successfully by Acupuncture were:
1. Headache 2. Vertigo 3. Tinnitus 4. Epistaxis 5. Heart Ailment 6. Tachycardia 7. Blushed Face 8. Neck, nape and shoulder Pain 9. Hemiplegia 10. Facial Paralysis (bell palsy)
The Essential Treatment points for hypertension [ high blood pressure] are:
Head: B1, GV22., Face: GV22 GV24 Neck: B10 G20
Head: P1 LI4, LI11 Back: B11, B12, B22, B24
Chest: CV11 Abdomen: CV4, CV14, Leg: S41, B54
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