Saturday, November 24, 2007

6 Months Constipation

Case Record:
Just Imagine 6 Months You Dont Go To Toilet !!

Name of Patient: JAbtN, a ldy Age: 20 yrs Record No: 1000

Diagnosis: 6 Months constipation
Case Under: H/Dr Hajjah Faridah, Homeopathic Nik Omar, Kg Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-26926549

First Visit: 27 August 2007 , the patient was having renal failure. No stools for last 6 months. She has been taken all sort of medication but still no desire to pass stool. She onlu pass her urine almost everyday, but no stool.
Dr faridah prescribe her: Nat. Mur 200 tid. alternately with 'Lyco 200' tid. for one week.

Second visit: 3 Sept 2007
The patient said the first time in 6 months she went to toilet and passed nearly 2 kilos of dark brown stool with very strong smell.

Third Visit: 11 sept 2007: She came back and told us that she pass stool twice within one week time. Allhamdulillah, Allha is Great.

Bahasa Melayu: Cuba bayangkan 6 bulan, anda tidak buang air besar. Makan setipa hari, tapi najis tak mahu keluar, Anda mungkin tidak percaya, hakikat bahawa rawatan homeopati memang berkesan untuk merawat kes-kes seperti ini dengan jayanya. Hanya dengan memberi ubat selama 1 minggu, pesakit ini 'berak sebanyak 2 kilo' Allah maha besar. Dr Hajjah faridah, seorang wanita dengan pengalaman selama lebih dari 20 tahun dalam homeopati dan akupunktur adalah 'satu-satunya' doktor perubatan TCM wanita yang berjaya di Malaysia. Lihat laman beliau:

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