Friday, August 15, 2008

Problems During Pregnancy

Acupuncture Treatment During Pregnancy

There are some pregnant ladies having some problems during early stage of pregnancy, this problems actually occur during the early stage of pregnancy and they do not cause any serious illness and can be solve by nrtural treatment such as by homeopathic remedies or acupuncture treatments.

Nausea and vomiting: This is the most common problem that expectant mothers experience. Do not take any drugs or antivomiting as this drugs might effect your baby. Light homeopathic remedies with few acupuncture traetment will stop the probem within few days or weeks.

Giddiness and Fainting : This symtoms sometime occur among some ladies during pregnancy. This do not cause any serious illness and do not worry. Acupuncture help to oversome this very easily.

Leg Cramps : Leg cramps are faily common in late pregnancy. This occur usually at night or early morning. This small problem can be solve with homeopathic and acupuncture treatment very easily.

Frequency of Urination, stretch marks, breathlessness and shortness of breath, constipation, piles, varicose veins, backache, somtime slight bleeding of nose, bleeding of gums are some minor problems druing pregnancy. Dont worry consult your family doctor near by.

This minor problem can be solve with alternative treatment, either acupuncture or homeopathy.

Bahasa Melayu: Rawatan akupunktur dan homeopati adalah satu satu rawatan yang baik untuk ibu-ibu yang baru hamil. Mereka kadang-kadang mengalami sedikit rasa mual, pening, muntah-muntah, keletihan, sakit belakang, sembelit, cramps kaki dan sebagainya. Rawatan secara semulajadi amat sesuai untuk ibu-ibu yang baru hamil. Ini termasuk ubat senang bersalin prof dr nik omar atau lebih dikelani sebagai ubat selusoh, dan juga ubat lepas bersalin homeopati. Sila dapatkan dikelnik-kelinik homeopati terdekat. Pastikan dapat yang tulin call 03-26926549

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