Friday, August 15, 2008

Influenza, cold, sinusitis


This type of problem are common among the Malaysian, the Malays use to say it is 'Resdung'. The symptom is block nose, running nose, sneezing, nasal or oral discharge. Sometime when intense frontal headache, the pains and aches in joints and also fever.

When the symptom become worst it become bronchitis and asthmatic.

The symptom started in the morning, on wake up, start sceezing. It is a terrible disease and should be carefully treated from the very beginning.

Acupuncture treatment along the lung meridian and LU20 and some of the best points.

While homeopathic remedies should be follow up.

Bahasa melayu: Resdung mestilah dirawat diperingka awal, jangan iarkan anak anda menderita bersing setiap pagi, hidung menjadi ketat dan tersumbat. Bila serius muka jadi gatal-gatal, juga gatal telinga, kulit kepala, sakit kepala dan akhir menjadi lelah atau asma.
Rawatan akupunktur dan homeopati amat mustajab.
Foto: Dr Faridah dan Dr Zaharah sewaktu di London Mei 2008 dalam perjalanan ke Persidangan Homeopathy Antarabangsa di Belgium

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