Saturday, August 16, 2008


The rectum is serurely placed in a mass fatty and cellular tissues. Owing to weakness the rectum become ulcerated, a sinus tract get unlimited field for burrowing into the tissue. Fistula, however, is often the result of a simple or tubercular abcess in the tisue surrounding the rectum. The abcess open into the bowel and also upon the skin surface and when we touch the luquid the smell were very bad just like stool.

Sometime the abcess has just appeared and is throbbing, red anus with iching around the anus.

Bahasa Melayu: Fstula adalah sejenis buasir yang berair keluar dari dubur, selalu membasahi sekitar dubur, bila dipegang atau disentuh air tersebut berbau busuk seperti najis.

Rawatan akupunktur: Titik-titik DU 1, Du2, Du3 amat sesuai digunakan disampiang SP 6 dan DU 20.
Foto Dr Nik at Geneva Mei 2008

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