Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dengue / Denggi

Demam Dengi / Denggi / Dengue
The onset of this disease is slight chill and hot with intense pain all over the body ( especially in the joints). Sudden high temperature, high fever with chillness and nausea, localized swelling here and there and red pimple like eruption all over the body. Temperature rises to even 102 or 103 0F.

Dengue fever is consider very dangerous if not treated properly it may cause death.

Seek medical immediately when you suspect of dengue fever . Mosquitos are known as the carrier and spread this type of fever in urban areas and big cities including Kuala Lumpur.

Bahasa Melayu: Demam Denggi amat bahaya dan perlu mendapatkan rawatan di hospital segera. Lewat mendapat rawatan boleh mengakibatkan kematian serta merta, terutamanya deman denggi berdarah yang selalu merangut nyawa para pesakit di bandar-bandar besar seperti Kuala Lumpur.

Kesan dari penyakit ini walau sembuh akan mengalami keletihan dan lemah-lemah badan. Ubat-ubat homeopati cepat membantu memulihkan lemah badan akibat dari terkena demam denggi.

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