Parkinsonism- 70 yrs retired teacher had slurred speech with tremors in right hand . Use of scalp Acupuncture and treating the five elements is the basis of treatment in parkinsonism. This patient was completely well after 30-40 days of treatment. A Businessman had family history of parkinsonism .
The list and the quantity of drugs were adding on and the disease was getting progressed. Acupuncture was used to control the disease. Rigidity was reduced with acupuncture & catgut embedding in 15 days. Further treatment made him speak well. A Diamond merchant had started acupuncture treatment in the early stage of Parkinson’s. The tremors in his hand disappeared in 15-20 days of treatment. Drugs were not started.
Cerebral Palsy- Fruit merchant’s kid could not walk . His legs were crossed. All the milestones were delayed. This child was given 15-20 days treatment every month. This child could attain a normal school after the treatment. Further treatments helped him to ride bicycle of his own .
The recovery attained was brilliant which helped this child to live and behave as a normal child and the hopeless parents becoming hopeful about their child and his future. A boy was admitted in a school for the mentally disabled. He was a diagnosed case of CP. MRI suggests microcephaly.
Acupuncture was started to improve his cognitive ability, learning ability, grasping capacity thereby improving his IQ. Boy responded well started behaving normally, stopped laughing and staring abnormally, learnt community living. Finally he could be admitted in a normal school but in lower grade as compared to the children of his age.
Epilepsy- 28 yr printer R/O Aurangabad was having Grand Mal Epilepsy. His MRI was normal, EEG confirmed the diagnosis. He was on regular antileptics. Inspite of the drugs he used to have episodes of attacks 2-3 times a month .He suffered with several tongue bites Acupuncture diagnosis in epilepsy is mainly dependent on five element study of the case. Perfect diagnosis gives quick results.
The number of attacks are reduced during the first course of acupuncture . Further treatments are then meant to reduce the doses of antileptics, this has to be done gradually and cautiously. The above mentioned case was successfully treated, he now runs a courier agency. 32 yrs female R/O Pune was suffering from Epileptic seizures 2-3 times a week . She was not responding even to heavy medication, According to Acupuncture we diagnosed it as Water-Fire imbalance. She was cured in about 6 months.
Trigeminal Neuralgia- A famous artist R/O Hyderabad, had severe pain in tooth being referred over half side of the face. His pain was aggravated on intake of solid food and cold drinks. He could not concentrate on his profession and stopped paintings.
Trigeminal neuralgia is the affection of 5th cranial nerve. Carbamazepines are the commonly prescribed drugs in modern medicine. As the pain worsens the dosage of the drugs needs to be increased. Surgery being the other alternative where the affected nerve has to be destroyed with alcohol, Laser etc After 15 days of Acupuncture treatment he could eat rice. He was emotional and could not stop crying. He replied gladly, Sir I could eat rice after 9 mths. Drugs were gradually withdrawn.
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