Sunday, April 5, 2009

Millions of American Have Tried Acupuncture, Why Not You !

Finding an acupuncturist can prove difficult

 Acupuncture first came to the attention of mainstream America in 1971, after New York Times reporter James Reston wrote enthusiastically about how it helped with his pain following an emergency appendectomy while traveling with President Richard Nixon in China.

 Today, millions of Americans have tried acupuncture, but locating and selecting a practitioner can be difficult. There are several types of acupuncture based on different philosophies, and the language (eight principles, five elements, the need to balance yin and yang) can be confusing.

In Malaysia, we can find a Chinese Acupuncturist, A Malay Acupuncturist or an Indian Acupuncturist.

Among the Mulim Acupuncturist,( This technique were introduce by Prof Nik Omar in his practised of Acupuncture at his clinic n at Kuala Lumpur) , they practised Acupuncture along with Islamic Medicine. This is a unique way, where by the patients, while undergone Acupuncture Therapy, are advised to read verses of Quran or Zikirullah. The physician while inserting Acupuncture needle, can feel the real healing, to be able to send rays of power or energy or qi through your hands to the body of patients to heal faster.

You may get more info at

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