The Homeopathic Technique of Infertility
Based on Dr Nik Omar Formula
Homeopathy and Infertility
A New Approach of Treating Infertile Couples
Through Homeopathic & Acupuncture Approach
The rapid expanding field of reproductive biology and its clinical application to the problems of infertility can no longer be contained within the traditional treatment by western concept of medication in local hospital or medical centres.The rate of production and the scope of research contributions are of such mangnitude that call us to do something in this field through homeopathic and complementary medicine approach.
The purpose of this web is just to share the experience that we have done other scholars in the specific aspects of infertility in the field of homeopathic therapeutic which are based on the natural law of cure.Besides homeopathic approach to the treatment of infertility we also look upon the genetic, reproductive biology ,immonology and psychological factors.
Particular emphasis has been given to ovulation control, habitual abortion, hormonal endocrinopathies, and the frequent neglected are of male infertility.Newer diagnostic techniques, particularly those utilized in thyroid and adrenal disorders, have received full consideration. We have attempted to place fundamental research according to homeopathic doctrine of treatment of diseases in infertility through the principle of 'Similar Similibus Curentur' which we found out to be very impresive and giving good result.
Clinical ManagementToday, we have seen many various method of modern treatemnt to infertility such as in-vitro, IUI, Artifical Isemination, GIFT, etc but still there are many failures in this field.The public approach towards homeopathic of treatment in Malaysia is gaining popular. We can see that more and more infertile couples are seeking help in achieving conception through homeopathic method of infertility - HTI P2000On the premise that infertility is often a syndrome of multiple origin, an adequate investigation therefore requires study of all reasonable etiologies in both huband and wife
Thus, the finding of a sigle causative factor - says endometrosis in the wife - does not rule out the possibility that the other causes are at work as well, such as feeble erection or oligospermia in husband. Nor does it rule out the possibility that more factor is operative in one or both partners.Through our investigation and research at The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia and Research Institute of Medical at Pasir Mas, Kelantan, we found out that the variety of possible causes underscores the need for systematic investigation in both husband and wife, and only on this basis can therapy be undertaken with maximum expectation of success.
Study of Male PartnerIf the husband is unwilling to cooperate fully, it is futile to study the wife unless we know for sure that the wife has 'problems' such as ammenorrhoea, endometrosis or habitual abortion.As part of homeopathic procedures we will take a complete symtomatology of the patient such as:Regarding certain illnesses ( mumps, orchitis, childhood diabetes, etc ), occupational hazard ( exposure to roentagen rays or any other radioactive substances), sexual habits ( impotence, infrequent coitus), social habits ( excessive smoking or drug addict), sexual desire, feeling, psychological problems, stress, tension, working habits, family history, etc.The husband should be asked about coital positioning, premature ejaculation and his knowledge of vaginal entrance.
( I have seen a patient at Kota Bharu of infertility with practically intact, rigid hymenal membranes , because the penis cannot penetrate into the vaginal , intromission had never occured ) isteri masih daraHomeopathic Treatment For Male InfertilityThe therapy in male infertility remain controversial. According to western method, there is no medicine for oligospermia or azoopermia.
The reboound phenomenon associated with administration of testosterone has been found ineffective by most investigators and the use of testrone in not advised as it minght cause side effects.So, should the husband with such problems wait and see.The answer is that they should try alternative methods of treament such as homeopathy.
We have some what 35 homeopathic remedies for the male 'problems' in which the patient worth of trying, rather than just wait and see.Few homeopathic remedie such as YMB, ACP, NXM seems to be very effective for strong and lasting erection. Increased morbility and mortility rates. Balance the vital force, qi or immune system of our body. The remedies used all are from plant or vegetable kingdom which has no side effect, no drugs, no stroid and no antibiotic. All are herbal extract, and are human friendly.You may refer our success rates
Besides, homeopathic remedies, we too suggest the patient to take;The extract of Honey, Almomd, Kampong Eggs, Alfafa, Habatul Sauda, Tongkat Ali are few herbal which are helpful for sperm production.If you have such problem, please contact Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar Tel:019-9401915
Study of Female PartnerThe routine minimal diagnostic procedures for the evaluation female infertility which are based on homeopathic therapeutic of infertilyt are as follow:A detailed historical summary should in particular outline the menstrual pattern, including age of onset, duration and frequency of flow, amount of bleeding, presence or absence of pain, and any gross irregularities.In addition, the homeopathic physician should inquire about premarital and postmarital coitus, especially with realtion to frequency and timing with evulation.
Other points worth noted are the use of contraceptives especially traditional method or the method used by 'Orang Asli' in Malaysia by using certain powerful herbs.Thr doctor should also noted the present and past occupations, history of pelvic infections, use of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, past surgery, D & C, accident or illnesses, and the use of intravaginal lubricants or douches.Physical Examination.
During the physical examination, the homeopathic physician will pay particular attention to external body contour, hair distribution, fat deposits, and breast development.The breast should be troughly examined for nipple abnormality or dorminant lumps as we have seen early breast carcinomas in patients reffered for endocrine infertility. Pelvic also must be examined for any abnormality.pronounced hypertrophy of the labia may be congenital but strongly suggests masturbation.
Specific vaginal infection should be considered such as the present of gonococci (VD), trichomonas or candida (monilia) may be important factors in infertility.Homeopathic RemediesOnce we have got the clear picture of the patient's problem. We must find the most similimum homeopathic remedy for the problem, such as:Aconite Nap.- is good for female infertilityDaminana - is good for ladies afetr 35 yearsChamomilla - is good for male infertilityPulsatilla - for young ladiesAurum Met - ladies with history of heart problemsPlatina - ladies with strong sexual desireArgt.Nit - for ladies with history of VDSelen - for male with history of masturbationMerc. Sol - history of male with syphilisNux Vomica - male with history of drug addict.Thuja - female with problem of fibroid, etc.
Duration of TreatmentAccording to prof Dr Nik Omar, he used to take about 8 to 12 months to complete the whole course of treatment.But for those who are lucky enough ( ada rezeki) 3 to 4 months of treatment is enough to confirm the pregnancy. ( Off course will the grace of God )Sources: Homoeopathic Library, Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia, Kelantan.
Get Your Second Baby trough this method, contact us now !You may contact us at Kuala Lumpur, Bangi or Damansara Tel 019-9401915