Prostatititis / Prostate
Prostatitis is one of the common infectious disease of the male genital system and caused by the invasion of bacteria through penetrating prostatic tube after its invasion of the urethra.
In traditional Chinese Medicine , chronic prostatitis is called ‘ Bai Zhuo’ and is due to the injury of the seven modes of emotion and the deficiency of the spleen and kidney.
Clinical Manisfestation
Clinically, there are acute and chronic types of prostatitis. Acupuncture and Homeopathic therapy is considered as one of the best treatment for prostatitis. In acute prostatitis manifests acute symptoms of bladder stimulation and there is bloody urine at the terminal stream. Urinary retention, some time frequent urination, pain in the sexual region, tenesmus, lumbosacral pain and pain in the lower abdomen and perineum are seen in sever cases. While chronic prostatitis does not show obvious symptoms or signs. Sometime micturition is not smooth and ended often with continual drops.
Often patients with prostatitis mat also have hyposexuality, seminal emission and neurasthenia.
Acupuncture Treatment recommended by Prof Nik Omar:
Ashi Ac Pts., B23 Shenshu, CV3 Zhongji and SP6 Sanjinjiao, B23 Ciliao, B28 Pangguangshu , CV 6 Qihai.
Homeopathic Medicine Recommended : Ac Phos 200, Lycopodium 30, Calc Carb., Bar C., Con200., Puls., Apis, Thuja.
Bahasa Melayu: Prostat amat menyiksa, keadaan kencing tidak menentu, kadang keluar kencing kerap kali, sampai 30 kali sehari, ada yang sukar keluar air kencing dan ada yang keluar air kencing secara titis demi titis, tidak tos, tidak puas, ada yang sakit dan ada yang tidak. Ada hamba Allah yang terkencing setiap 15 minit sekali, dan air keluar persis paip bocor atau paip tiris. Jangan khuatir rawatan akupunktur dan homeopati memang handal merawat kes-kes prostate. Jangan biarkan radangan prostate bertukar menjadi prostate kanser. Segera rawat, agar penderitaan anda dapat dikurangkan. Maklumat lanjut lihat laman - http://fairus2020.xaper.com atau dial 03-40422020