1. Prof Dr Mehmet Kocabas, From Turkey
" Thank You very much for your guide and help. I have learn acupuncture earlier at China but I dont understand what the lecturer teach over their. My friend advised me to study with prof Nik Omar, and I am very proud that through him, acupuncture study become very easy to understand, and Prof Nik is one of the best lecturer I ever met."
2. Dr Robert J from Germany
" Dear Dr Omar:It is really very encouraging to find that efforts are being made by your organization to introduce and promote Acupuncture in Malaysia and world wide. Under your guide I found that Acupuncture are very interesting and great.
3. Dr Taka from Tokyo, Japan.
" It was long time that I wanted to study Acupuncture. I found this academy through the web and be proud to be part of student from this academy."
4. Dr Mohammad Al Hedi Al Mitri, Oman
"thanks for the wonderful stay at Kelantan. I enjoy the way you teach Acupuncture to us. We enjoy each and every moment of your and the lecturer at your academy."
5. Dr Mustafa, Semarang, Indonesia.
" Terima kasih diatas tunjuk ajar yang diberikan kepada kami sewaktu belajar akupunktur bersama bapak Prof Nik Omar dan para pensyarah sewaktu kami di kampus, di Kelantan.' Kami amat bertah kerana bapak Prof Nik Omar merupakan seorang pakar akupunktur yang baynak ilmu pengetahuan tentang perubatan ini. Terima kasih."
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