Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Human Papillomavirus

human papillomavirus

human papillomavirus (HPV), any of a family of more than 60 viruses that cause various growths, including plantar warts and genital warts, a sexually transmitted disease . Detectable warts can be or removed, usually by chemicals, freezing, or laser, but often recur. Intralesional alpha interferon has been effective in the treatment of genital warts. Genital warts, sometimes called condylomata acuminata, are soft and often occur in clusters. They can occur internally or externally, but even in the absence of warts the virus may be present and transmittable. Problems can result from untreated warts, which can grow quite large, or, in rare cases, from infection of an infant during delivery. In addition, certain strains of HPV are associated with cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and penis. HPV 16 has been shown to be associated with some forms of Kaposi's sarcoma (see AIDS ) and throat cancer. A vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2006 can protect a woman against those strains that cause most cases of cervical cancer and genital warts; HPV vaccination is recommended for girls beginning at 11 to 12 years of age.

Homeopathic Remedies Suggested:

Medorrhinum, Syphylinum,Tuberculinum, Thuja, Merc Cor., Aconite., Silphur.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Our Staffs

Director Prof Dr Nik Omar

Dr Faridah, Manager at Kuala Lumpur HQ 118 Jl Raja Laut, KL

Nik Lukman Hakim, BSc., MSc (UKM),Dip Hom., D.Ac
General Manager at Sek 9, BB Bangi

MO in Charge at Bangi Homeopathic Medical Centre,
Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor [ Sek 9] near Maybank Islamic.

Staff at Damansara Uptown, Petaling Jaya.

Mrs Gigi staff at 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. Tel 03 4042 2020

Nik Badrul Hakim, Acupuncturist at Gelang Mas Home Medical Centre.

Dr Hajjah Zaharah Acupuncturist at Gelang Mas

Homeopath Nik Fairuz Hakim, Manager at Homeopathic Shah Alam at Jalan Glenmarie
Tel 013 9314166

Our Staff at Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan.

Student Activities at Our FAHOM Campus Pasir Mas, Kelantan

Stroke patient

Student Learning Al Hijamah @ Bekam @ Islamic Cupping

Student Convocation at Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia, Kelantan

Student from Brazil, Bangladesh & United Arab Emirate [UAE]

Student from Syria

Student from Malaysia and Phillipine

Student from Indonesia and Singapore

Student From Turkey and Pakistan

Student from India

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rawatan Untuk Mendapatkan Anak Cara Homeopathy

Sungguh pun dunia moden mempunyai berbagai teknik konventional untuk merawat kes-kes kemandulan seperti - IUI, In-Vitro, Test Tube, GIFT, IVF., ICSI, AHT, TET, Ibu Tumpang, dan sebagainya. Namun sebahagian besar ibu-ibu yang mengalami masalah kemandulan ini, masih belum terjawab - mereka masih belum mendapat anak ! a

Jangan khuatir lagi, kini para ibu yang mengalami masalah ketidaksuburan dan masih belum mendapat cahaya mata, boleh mencuba rawatan yang telah diciptakan oleh Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar, mengikut Teknik HTI-P2000 ® Beliau dan rakan-rakan telah mencipta kaedah ini sejak tahun 1975 dan hingga kini tahun 2001, lebih dari 1000 pasangan ibu-ibu dari seluruh dunia telah dapat manafaat hasil dari kajian beliau selama lebih dari 25 tahun.

Dr Nik Omar, DHMS (Lahore)., M.D.Hom., MRSH (London), MFHom (Kel)., FFHom (M'sia), Ph.D (India)., DBM (Pak)., Fbio-Chemic (Karachi)., D.Ac (kel)., M.Ac (M'sia)., M.AcF (Colombo)., M.Ac (Beijing)., M.Ac (Spain), merupakan seorang pakar perubatan homeopati dan akupunktur tanahair dan seorang ahli perubatan alternatif yang disegani didunia. Beliau merupakan salah seorang pengasas Fakulti Perubatan Homeopati Malaysia dan bapak perkembangan homeopati tanahair.

Beliau banyak dilantik menganggotai Jawatakuasa perubatan Alternatif / Komplentari diperingkat antarabangsa dan sering membentangkan kertas kerja di persidangan perubatan komplementari dimerata tempat didunia. Kini beliau bertugas sebagai pakar di Pusat Perubatan Homeopati dan Akupunktur Nik Omar di Kota Bharu dan Kuala Lumpur, dan merupakan seorang pakar dalam perawatn kemandulan atau infertiliti mengikut Kaedah Perubatan Alternatif - HTI-P2000 Dr Nik Omar

Dalam pendekatan beliau mengikut Kaedah Nik Omar HTI-P2000® beliau telah mengabungkan dua teknik perubatan alternatif atau komplementari - homeopati dan akupunktur - menjadikannya sebagai 'Perubatan Integerasi ' atau lebih dikenali ramai sebagai 'Integrated Medicine'

Akupunktur dan ubat-ubat homeopati dari bahan asli, flora dan fauna adalah satu pengamalan perubatan yang telah diamalkan sejak beribu tahun yang silam. Tetapi telah diolah oleh Prof Samuel Hanemann dari Germany menjadikan salah satu sitem perubatan moden yang unik, selamat dan bebas dari sebarang kesan sampingan.

Sistem perubatan ini sememangnya telah menjadi warisan perubatan sejak beribu-ribu tahun yang silam, dan masih gagah dan berkembang maju sehingga hari ini, kerana hanya satu faktor sahaja iaitu - ianya amat berkesan dan efektif.

Pakar-pakar perubatan Barat hari ini mula memberi perhatian serius diatas keberkesanan sistem perubatan kuno ini sehingga sebahagian besar negara-negara barat seperti Amerika Syarikat, France, England, Belgium, Germany dan kini Malaysia ( 2000 ) telah memberi pengiktirafan yang sewajarnya kepada semua sistem perubatan komplementari khususnya homeopati dan akupunktur.

Satu Penemuan Baru Kaedah Rawatan Infertiliti

Orang-orang awam, khususnya rakyat Malaysia tidak mengetahui dengan jelas bahawa kebaikkan-kebaikkan kaedah rawatan ini Kaedah HTI-P2000 ® Dr Nik Omar untuk mengatasi masalah kemandulan atau infertility dengan cara rawatan alternatif, mengikut fitrah alam atau Tabii - The Natural Way of Healing.

Jika anda seorang pengkaji Sejarah Perubatan yang dilakukan oleh ahli-ahli perubatan China melalui kaedah perubatan alternatif ini, mereka telah berjaya merawat kemandulan atau Infertility sejak Tahun ke 11 Masehi lagi.

Bukan sahaja teknik ini dapat membantu mendapat zuriat, malah dengan rawatan mengikut kaedah kuno ini, boleh membantu meningkatkan daya tahan badan untuk memberi keseimbangan kepada tenaga dalaman badan yang dikenali sebagai 'qi' dalam bahasa China atau 'Vital Force' dalam Istilah Homeopati.

Bila diberi remedi-remedi homeopati yang tepat dan serasi serta mendapat lokasi titik akupunktur yang tepat, maka gejala-gejala seperti ketidaksuburan, haid tidak teratur, endometrosis, fibroid, selalu keguguran, fallopian tuba tersumbat, kemandulan, tidak ada benih - azoospermia, impoten, PMS dan sebagainya dapat diperbetulkan dan diatasi dengan sempurna.

Pakar-Pakar Yang Di Akui

Perlu diingatkan bahawa, Teknik Rawatan Infertiliti mengikut Kaedah HTI-P2000 ini memerlukan seseorang doktor homeopati yang benar-benar mahir dan tahu mengedalikan kes infertiliti. Pengalaman dan kebolehan amat penting bagi menjayakan kes ini.

Kami hanya dapat memberi jaminan bahawa hanya pakar-pakar homeopati dari 'Pusat Perubatan Homeopati Nik Omar' yang namanya disenarikan dibawah sahaja mampu mengedalikan kes infertiliti mengikut Kaedah HTI-P2000 dengan sempurna. Sila rujuk kepada mereka untuk sebarang khidmat nasihat.

Jika dibantu pula dengan keyakinan dan doa kepada Illahi, tidak mustahil orang-orang yang mandul selama 8 hingga 12 tahun akhirnya berjaya mendapat zuriat yang comel dan segar bugar , mengikut Kaedah HTI-P2000 - Allahu Akhbar !

Di Kuala Lumpur:
o Lady H/Dr Hajjah Faridah A. Hamat Tel: 03-4042 2020
o Lord Pandit Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar

Di Kg.Gelang Mas,Buntu Susu, Pasir Mas, Kelantan:
o Lady H/Dr Hajjah Zaharah Loman. Tel: 09-7643349
o Lord Pandit Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar

Di Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
o Prof Hom Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Zain Tel: 09-7440440
o Prof Hom Drs Wan Mohammad Ibrahim

Beberapa Kebaikan Perubatan Alternatif / Komplementari
o Tidak ada kesan sampingan dan tidak bahaya
o Tidak bertentangan dengan ubat-ubat hospital
o Jika dalam makan ubat homeopati atau terapi akupunktur, tetapi masih mahu meneruskan rawatan IVF, IUI, GIFT, ICSI, Aht atau TET - Jawapannya BOLEH ! Rawatan kami selari dengan rawatan diatas, malah dengan memakan ubat-ubat kami, lebih memudahkan anda berhasil, jika mencuba mana-mana perubatan lain - sebab kami merawat sistem daya tahan badan anda yang tidak stabil supaya kembali normal.
o Tidak mahal, harga ubat rm 45 untuk satu minggu, RM 180 untuk satu bulan
o Rawatannya mudah dan tidak melibatkan sebarang pembedahan atau ujian-ujian konventional.
o Tidak menjadi kesalahan untuk mencuba rawatan HTI-P2000
o Rawatan ini diluluskan oleh badan Homeopati antarabangsa seperti MRHP, FAHOM, RIMAC, AHML, IHML dan OHMI.
o Rawatan kaedah HTI-P2000 ini adalah secara natural dan samulajadi

Jika anda ada masalah infertiliti, jangan tunggu lama-lama, silalah menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat.

" Jangan tunggu sampai esok, apa yang dapat anda lakukan hari ini "

Ancient Art of Infertility Treatment

The Ancient Art of Infertility Treatment
When it comes to getting pregnant,
Old world techniques may be just
what today's high-tech doctors will order.

By Colette Bouchez
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

If headlines are any indication of what's hot and what's not, it's easy to believe that infertility treatment is strictly a modern day science, made possible solely through the courtesy of high-tech medicine.

But as good as modern science is, many couples trying to get pregnant find themselves turning to an age-old treatment for help -- one so steeped in tradition it's about as far from life in the 21st century as one can get.

That treatment is acupuncture, and today, even high-tech reproductive specialists are looking to the somewhat mysterious world of Chinese medicine to help those fertility patients for whom western science alone is not quite enough.

"Most of our patients are referred to us by reproductive medicine specialists -- they are usually women who have failed one or usually more than one attempt at IVF (in vitro fertilization), and their doctor is looking for something to help implement the success of their treatment, over and above what the protocols alone can accomplish," says Raymond Chang, MD, the medical director of Meridian Medical and a classically trained acupuncturist as well as western-trained medical doctor.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine treatment that relies on the painless but strategic placement of tiny needles into a "grid-like" pattern that spans the body, from head to toe. The needles are used to stimulate certain key "energy points" believed to regulate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical balance. And, for many women, it's often just what the doctor ordered.

"It can allow you to cross the line from infertile to fertile by helping your body function more efficiently, which in turn allows other, more modern reproductive treatments, like IVF, to also work more efficiently," says James Dillard, MD, assistant clinical professor, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and clinical adviser to Columbia's Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Indeed, in a study of 160 women, published April 2002 in the reproductive journal Fertility and Sterility, a group of German researchers found that adding acupuncture to the traditional IVF treatment protocols substantially increased pregnancy success.

In this study one group of 80 patients received two, 25-minute acupuncture treatments -- one prior to having fertilized embryos transferred into their uterus, and one directly afterwards. The second group of 80, who also underwent embryo transfer, received no acupuncture treatments.

The result: While women in both groups got pregnant, the rate was significantly higher in the acupuncture group -- 34 pregnancies, compared with 21 in the women who received IVF alone.

But increasing the odds of IVF is not the only way acupuncture can help. Chang says it can also work to stimulate egg production in women who can't -- or don't want to -- use fertility medications to help them get pregnant.

"When you compare the pregnancy rates for an egg producing drug such as Clomid to acupuncture alone, the rates are equal -- a 50% chance of pregnancy in three months for general patients -- to those not undergoing IVF," says Chang.

Unfortunately, however, Chang says that because acupuncture generally stimulates the growth and release of just one egg, it can't be substituted for fertility drugs used in IVF, since they work to produce the multiple eggs necessary to achieve success with this treatment

Bahasa Melau: Selain daripada pengunaan ubat-ubatan barat [allopathy], anda masih mempunyai satu kaedah perubatan alterntif untuk merawat kes-kes infertility dengan menggunakan kaedah akupunktur China.

Untuk keterangan lanjuut sila layari laman

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Hari ini Hari Ke 2 , 11 Sept 2010

SELAMAT Hari rAYA Aidil Fitri

10 Sept 2010

Maaf Zahir Batin.

Daripada Dr Nik Omar & Keluarga.


Pada hari ini 11 Sept 2010, dengarlah kata-kata Presiden Amerika, Barrack Obama:-

"On Friday, Obama appealed to Americans to respect the "inalienable" right of religious freedom and said he hoped the preacher would abandon his plan to burn the Muslim holy book, saying it could deeply hurt the United States abroad.

"This is a way of endangering our troops, our sons and daughters ... you don't play games with that," Obama told a Washington news conference in which he included an appeal for religious tolerance. "

Monday, September 6, 2010

Message From Prime Minister of Malaysia

18 th AHML International Conference on Homeopathy / TCM, Malaysia 2009

Prime Minister Message

Message From Prime Minister of Malaysia
Dato'Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak

For 18th AHML & 8 th International Conference on
Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine
Malaysia 2009
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to pen a few words in conjunction with 18th AHML & 8 th International Conference on Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine to be held at Genting Highlands Resort, Malaysia.

I would like to congratulate the organiser of The Asian Homeopathic Medical League, The Malaysia Registered Homeopathic Medical Practitioners Association, The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia for their didication in holding this event.

The fact that the organiser has gained support from members of Asian countries is reflected in the hosting of this conference. The confidence given to Malaysia is due to our ability in hosting previous international conferences successfully.

I believe that the conference would discuss new updates and development in homeopathy and complementary medicine since many experts are attending to the conference.

I hope that homeopathy would also be able to contribute towards better health care since it is a safe system of medicine and treat naturally.

Lastly, I wish all the delegates an enjoyable and pleasant stay in Malaysia.

Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tuan Abd Razak.
Prime Minister of Malaysia

Pejabat Perdana Menteri Malaysia
Bangunan Perdana
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Pesekutuan
62502 Putrajaya.

26th August 2009

Messages From Ex Prime Minister of Malaysia
For Homeopathic Conferences in Malaysia

From: Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi
Ex Prime Minster of Malaysia
For Homeopathic Conference in 2006

Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome all the International and Malaysia delegates to the 'Asia Pacific Conference On Acupuncture, Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine '

I am indeed happy to note that this is the fifth time Malaysia has been given the honour to host a reputable international conference on Complementary Medicine. I thus reflects the confidence of member countries in the ability of The Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture and The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia to organize this event.

For the past two decades the concept of Open International University Studies for Complementary Medicines through The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia which is based in Kelantan, under the chairmanship of Prof Nik Omar bin Haji Nik Daud, has been establishing and promoting this form of medication not only among Malaysians, but also foreigners.

I am sure that the delegates form parts of the world attending this International Conference will be discussing the future directiuon of complementary medicine. Indeed, armed with new dynamism, your group can look forward to a meaningful role in improving the standard of health among the population and complementaing the effort made by the government.

I wish the conference great success.

Dato Seri Abdullah A Badawi
Ex Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Message from: Ex Prime Minister of Malaysia
Dr Mahadir bin Mohamad
For Homeopathic Conference 2002

I am please to welcome all delegates to the Asian Pacific Conference on Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine.

I am happy to note that this is the fifth time Malaysian is given the honour to host this conference of Complementary Medicine which reflects the confidence of the member countries in ability of The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia.

There is much to be done to educate patients on Complementary Medicine and Therapies which could provide them an alternative means to curing health related problems.

Apart form the conference I also hope that the delegates will takes time off to visit Malaysia and enjoy our warmth hospitality.

I wish you all a successful conference.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Ex Prime Minister of Malaysia