Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can Homeopathy / Altenative Medicine Treat Hepatitis B ?

Salam Prof. Nik,

Greetings from Auckland, New Zealand.

I'm writing with you in regard to my grave concern about Hepatitis B. I was diagnosed with one back in 2001/2002 when I donated my blood during the donation drive done in my university. Few weeks after that, I got a letter from National Blood Centre to report myself to them. Then the doctor told me I was and still am a Hepatitis B carrier. How I got it, it's still a mystery. Probably I didn't get a proper when I was kid as I was an adopted child.

Fast forward, so far I have no problem with my health. No major sickness. However when I did my medical report (as per attachment) for my residency application in New Zealand, the medical assessor of Immigration New Zealand has noted:

* Hepatitis B with abnormal liver function.
* Recommended treatment Pegylated interferon. Cost $35,000 - $40,000/year.
* Entecavir remains unsubsidized.
* Lamivudine is subsidized $143/month but sustained seroconversion is unlikely. The majority of those who start lamivudine develop resistance within 4-5 years and the present medication used in that case is adefovir $670/month. Treatment - long term.
* Pegylated interferon has significant side effect which may interfere with ability to maintain employment.

Due to the medical cost impose to me and New Zealand government, I'm very reluctant to the recommended treatment. Also I'm worried about the side effect of taking any of those drugs. The medical assessor also noted Pegylated interferon has significant side effect which may interfere with ability to maintain employment and this is the main reason I personally prefer to seek alternative treatment.

Therefore, it will be great if you could have a look at my medical report- blood test and recommend/ prescribe a treatment for me and quote me the cost of treatment and how long it takes.

Hope to hear from you soon, many thanks.

Patient of hepatitis B
From New Zealand.

Answer: Please read further info on Hepatitis & Homeopathy Treatment from

And get back to me.

Hepatitis Boleh Di Rawat Secara Homeopathy. Rawat segera, jangan Tunggu Hari Esok.
Kerana Macam-Macam Boleh Berlaku Esok

Segeralah Dapatkan Rawatan
Jangan terlambat.
Baca laman

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Homeopathy Web @ Homeopati Web

For More Info On Homeopathy & Treatment

Untuk keterangan Lanjut Tentang Rawatan Homeopathy & Akupunktur, sila layari

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stroke & Acupuncture Treatment

I have treated more than 1000 cases of stroke patients with great success.

Acpuncture Are Considered As One of The Best Choice to Treat Stroke or Paralysis

Some of the interesting Cases

1. Che Gu Mat Kg Chicha, Kelantan.

A Malay teacher Age 35 years. Sudden attack of paralysis. Unable to walk. Brought to hospital. Warded for one week. Discharge with same conditon. After discharge brought to private clinic but failed to cure.
After one month, the patient was brought to me. I gave him 'Acupuncture Therapy' everday for one week follow up with homeopathic medication - Rhus Tox 200c bid for 5 days. After one week the patient was completely cured.

2. Che Gu Mrs Khatijah, A Teacher from Kota Bharu.

First attack, the patient was brought to hospital and was dignosed as Stroke Left sided. B.p. was 190/120. Hospitalised for two week with little improvement. Unable to walk and speak. After discharge, some of her relative brought her to my clinic.
After carefull examination I gave her 'Causticun 200c' bid for one week with 'acupuncture therapy' 10 Acu Points for 10 session daily.

On the 10th days of treatment, the patient can walk and speak normally.
After about one month gap, the patient came to my clinic, driving her own car.

3. Mr Othman, 56 years old Bussinessman

I was called to Mr Othman house and was told that he collapse at the market at 5.00 pm. On arriving at Mr Othman house at 9.00 pm, I have seen 30 family members gathering in the house.
Mr Othman cannot talk and cannot walk. I suspected he got an attack of stroke Right Sided.

I did as what I was supposed to do: Gave him 12 Acupuncture Distal Points and gave him Causticum tid for 5 days.
The next morning, his wife call me and said that Mr Othman can walk and can talk.
I still continue giving him the same therapy for one 2 weeks
On the third week, Mr othman visited my house driving all the way from his house to mine with completely normal as if nothing happen to him. Six month later Mr Othman performed his Umrah at Mecca, saudi Arabia as 100 % in completely Healthy and Sane.

Getting Baby With Alternative Medicine - Infertility

Infertility Cured / Pregnant Confirm / Berjaya Hamil

Malaysia Today - MalaysiKini

Kuala Lumpur 22 November 2008

Intersting case of Infertility Cured

Name of Wife: Mrs fad bt S Age: 26 yrs Record No: 5238

Name of Husband: Mr. M. Nad bin R Age: 26 yaers Record No: 5045

Today a couple came to our Kg Baru Homeopathic & Acupuncture Centre with a broad smile.

Both husband and wife walk in our clinic and tell us that the wife already pregnant.

Both husband and sife taking treating for getting the first baby. Both of them were married last two years and very much eager to get the baby. They have tried two courses of ' clomidine' from ordinary medical clinic ( allopathy) but failed to conveive. Tey also tried once IUI with a private clinic and also failed.

They came to us on 12 August 2008 ( First Visit)

The patient first consult Dr Faridah and after taking a creful case taking, she prescribe 'Sepia 200' bid for two weeks for Mrs Fad.

For Mr M Nad: She prescribe Yohim 200 bid for two weeks.

Second Visit 26 August 2008

Considering the colaint of painful period, Dr Faridah gave 'Chamomilla 200' bid for two weeks.

Same to the husband 'Yohim'

Third Visit: 13 Sept 2008

The patient came back to continue the nest prescription. Dr Faridah again gave her Puls 200 to be taken alternaterly with Mqag phos 12x bid for two weeks.

Fourth Visit: 7 October 2008

Repeat the same procedure but change the medicine to "Aurum Met' 1000c once daily for two weeks.

Fifth Visit 3 Nov 2008

Repeat the same procedure

Sixth Visit: 22 November 2008 - Today

The wife brought the news to us that she has confirmed her pergnancy last night. They bought the pregnancy kids last night and test the urine and her menases was late for one week. Suprising to see the result the 'she ' is pregnant - the result if positive.

It is a matter of three months of taking homeopatic pills with Dr Hajjah Faridah at 118 Jalan Raja Laut, KL Homeopathy & Acupuncture Medical Centre, the pregnancy was confirmed !!

Further reading
Call us at 03 40422020

Kaedah Mendapat Anak Dengan cara Perubatan Alternatif
Tahukan anda bahawa Prof Dr Nik Omar adalah seorang pakar dalam jurusan homeopati dan akupuntur dan mempunyai pengalaman dalam perubatan ini lebih dari 30 tahun. Kerjayaan beliau dalam merawat kes-kes kemandulan telah diperakui bukan sahaja di Malaysia malah seluroh dunia.
Untuk mencuba rawatan ini dengan beliau sila hubungi 034042 2020 atau boleh layari laman

Brain Tumor Cured

Brain Tumor Cured

This patient Mr Zahari age 46 yrs has been sufferring from severe headache for last one year. He has been taken taken all pain killer but no relief. One evening he fell and unconcious, warded in hospital. After city scan, he was confimed suffering from 'Brain Tumour' about 1 cm size.

He was coma in hospital for nearly one month.

He surgeon insist for operation and remove the tumor, but the wife refused and this getleman was discharged and was brought to our medical centre.

After taking careful investigation, we decided to give 12 acu pts at various points.
and continue the tretament for about 12 session once a week.
After three months of treatament the patient was back to normal and all the smptoms clear and now this gentleman is a normal as before.

Bahasa melayu: Rawatan Menajubkan:

Penyembuhan Ajaib: En zahari dari Pengkanaln Chepa. Kelantan telah disahakn oleh doktor mengalami 'Ketumbuhan dalam Otak'. Beliau dibawa ke sebuah hospital berdekatan kerana selalu pitam-pitam, mata kabur dan sakit kepala yang teramat sangat.
Setelah disahkan mengalami ketumbuhan, doktor tidak ada jalan lain, melainkan melakukan pembedahan untuk selamatkan En Zahari.
Isteri Zaharai bertanya peluang sembuh dari pembedahan, kata doktor tipis, kerana risiko besar kedudukan ketumbuhan yang melekat pada bahagian otak.

Isteri En Zahari menolak untuk dibedah dan memohon untuk dibawa pulang, kata orang Kelantan ' Biar Mati di Rumah' dari mati di Hospital.

Dalam perjalanan pulang, isteri Zahari membawa suaminya menemui Dr Nik Omar dan bila diperiksa, Dr Nik Omar Berkata, " Penyakit ini dah agak kritikal, elok bawa ke Hospital"
Kata Isteri Zahari: " Kami bawa kesini untuk mengelak dari pembedahan, doktor pulak suroh kami ke Hospital, sedangkan kami baru saja 'keluar hospital ?'

Kata Dr Nik Omar, " Kita boleh ikhtiar, hanya Allah Yang Menentukannya dan rawatan ini mungkin akan makan waktu yang panjang "

Jawab isteri Zahari," Allhamdulilah, lega bunyinya, kita sanggup tunggu, asalkan doktor sanggup berubat."

Pesakit ini berulang alik dari rumah mereka di Pengkalan Chepa ke Klinik hampir setiap minggu. Dan tidak sampai 5 bulan, pesakit ini sudah sembuh dan dapat bekerja semula.

Sebaik saja sembuh, Pesakit ini pergi ke hospital, doktor di hospital terkejut bertemu semula dengan En Zahari. Anggapan dia En Zahari sudah mati.
Beulang kali doktor bertanya En Zahari
" Awak Tak Mati Lagi ??? "
Jawab Zahari." Dak Lagi Tuan !
Apa Ubat Awak makan, tanya doktor
En Zahari, " Saya berubat dengan Dr Nik Omar, makan ubat Homeopathy dan buat akupunktur dengan dia'
Jawab Doktor, " Ooooo bagus la tu..."

Prostatitis & Acupuncture Treatment

Alternative Medicine View On


Prostatititis / Prostate

Prostatitis is one of the common infectious disease of the male genital system and caused by the invasion of bacteria through penetrating prostatic tube after its invasion of the urethra.
In traditional Chinese Medicine , chronic prostatitis is called ‘ Bai Zhuo’ and is due to the injury of the seven modes of emotion and the deficiency of the spleen and kidney.

Clinical Manisfestation

Clinically, there are acute and chronic types of prostatitis. Acupuncture and Homeopathic therapy is considered as one of the best treatment for prostatitis. In acute prostatitis manifests acute symptoms of bladder stimulation and there is bloody urine at the terminal stream. Urinary retention, some time frequent urination, pain in the sexual region, tenesmus, lumbosacral pain and pain in the lower abdomen and perineum are seen in sever cases. While chronic prostatitis does not show obvious symptoms or signs. Sometime micturition is not smooth and ended often with continual drops.
Often patients with prostatitis mat also have hyposexuality, seminal emission and neurasthenia.

Acupuncture Treatment recommended by Prof Nik Omar:
Ashi Ac Pts., B23 Shenshu, CV3 Zhongji and SP6 Sanjinjiao, B23 Ciliao, B28 Pangguangshu , CV 6 Qihai.

Homeopathic Medicine Recommended : Ac Phos 200, Lycopodium 30, Calc Carb., Bar C., Con200., Puls., Apis, Thuja.

Bahasa Melayu: Prostat amat menyiksa, keadaan kencing tidak menentu, kadang keluar kencing kerap kali, sampai 30 kali sehari, ada yang sukar keluar air kencing dan ada yang keluar air kencing secara titis demi titis, tidak tos, tidak puas, ada yang sakit dan ada yang tidak. Ada hamba Allah yang terkencing setiap 15 minit sekali, dan air keluar persis paip bocor atau paip tiris. Jangan khuatir rawatan akupunktur dan homeopati memang handal merawat kes-kes prostate. Jangan biarkan radangan prostate bertukar menjadi prostate kanser. Segera rawat, agar penderitaan anda dapat dikurangkan. Maklumat lanjut lihat laman - atau dial 03-40422020

Bed Wetting / Masalah Kencing Malam

Enuresis / Bed Wetting
Enuresis / Kencing Malam

Enuresis is the involuntary discharge of urine during sleep. It is commonly seen in children, but is only considered as an abnormal condition when the child is over three years old and the involuntary urination continue.
Don’t be surprised if not treated, enuresis can be prolong till adult life. Some says it may be due to psychological or mental disorder, some say due to worms and homeopath says it due to the weakness of vital force in the body.

According to TCM , its causes are thought to be related to the lungs, spleen, kidney and bladder.

Clinical Manifestation

The chief feature of this disorder is the involuntary discharge of urine during sleep at night. In minor cases, it may happen once fortnightly, but in severe cases, it may occur many times one night. In chronic cases, this condition may last for over ten years and it is also seen in adult.

Acupuncture treatment is considered as the best for enuresis.
Main points CV4 Duiduan, SP6 Sanjinjiao, H7 Shenmen, Lu7 Liegue

Case Report:
The patient Miss K Female Age 20 yrs.

History: She had bedwetting since she was born. It was once or twice on average and was more during rainy season. She look very weak with pale face. In the day time she use to urinate about 10 times. At night she pass urine unconsciously one or twice during sleeping.
Treatment given: Acupouncture Points at B 32 Cilao, CV 4 Guanyuan and Sp 6 Sanjinjiao , once daily for three time.
After three therapy enuresis stopped and we insist to continue for another three more additional therap and she was completely normal.

Bahasa Melayu: Anak-Anak kencing malam amat sukar diarawat oleh mana-mana ubat, namun rawatan akupunktur amat berekasn untuk merawat kes kenacing malam atau’kencing tikar’ dikalangan kanak-kanak dan juga remaja. Lekas-lekas cari kami, kita usaha menyembuhkannya. Amin. Call 03 40422020.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

18th International Conference on Complementary Medicine 3-5 th Oct 2009 at Malaysia

Dr Ali Zailla
From University of Queensland
Reading a Paper at: 18th ICCHM Malaysia 2009 at genting Highland, Malaysia
Organized by Department of Chinese Medicine
Facculty of Homeopathy Malaysia
200 Delegates from 22 countries taking parts.

Topic: Evidance Based Acupuncture with MRI

Monday, August 10, 2009

Students From University Malaya - UM & University Kebangsaan Malaysia -UKM Doing Clinical at Our Medical Centre at Jalan Raja Laut

Group of Students From UM and UKM at Our medical centre.

Kuala Lumpur 8 th August 2009

Our Acupuncture & Homeopathic Centre at Jalan Raja Laut are the first priority for all local universities in Malaysia to do the assignment and clinical study on alternative and complementary medicine.

Student and lectures choose our centre as their first choice as we give students our full cooperation in clinical study using Integrated medicine

Homeopathic Medicine to Built Up Immune System

Listed here are few Homeopathic remedies to Built Up Immune System
against all virus.

It is better to take some precaution rather than just wait and see.

For preventive against Flu, Coughing,H1N1, Hepatitis A B or C, running nose etc

list few remedies as preventive

Infulzarinum, bacillinum, Pyrogenium, Tuberculinum, Aconite napellus, Belladonna, Dulcamara, Drosera, Calc Phos., Calc Fliur, ferr Phos., Cup met. Allium Cepa, Rhus Tox.

Makan Ubat pencegahan

Daripada Tunggu Dan Lihat, Lebih baik Makan Ubat Homeopati
Untuk Pencegahan Dari Sebarang Serangan Penyakit.

Suspected H1N1 please go direct to government Hospital

Dr Nik Omar Homeopathic Medical Centre is doing a Meaningful Role in Improving the Standard of Health Among The Population and Complementing The Efforts Made by The Government - To Make 1Malaysia Gemilang.

Foreign Student Study at Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia

Dr Rustu Banas from Turkey

Dr Mohamed Kocabas from saudi Arabia

Dr Faisal from UAE, Dr Riachrd Nigeria and Dr David England

Dr Richard from Nigeria

Dr Mohd from Australia

Dr David from England

Dr Siti From Indonesia

Some of our students

Student From phillipine

Acupuncture Department , Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia

Name of Student

Dr Huda Abdulla Al Suwaidi From Dubai UAE

Qualified MBBS in 1996 from Al Ain University. In 2000 Obtained her Master Degree - Totality Quality management in Health from Wollongong University, Australia. In 2001 qualified her Ph.D - from Arab Board In Family Medicine, Syria.

In 2006 started register herself as Student of Acupuncture Department of Chinese Medicine, Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia, Pasir Mas, kelantan under Prof Dr Nik Omar.

Job History: Medical Officer at Dubai Hospital and PHC for 13 years at UAE.

Interest: In Chronic manageent with Complementary Treatment in addition to the Chemical Drugs. Especilaly Chronic management by Acupuncture Therapy. In 1n 2009 manage to obtained Diploma in Acupuncture from DCM, FAHOM Malaysia.

In 2006 started the assigment The Role of Acupuncture In Reducing the load of Drug On The patient Suffering from Chronic Dideases with Great deal of Success.

Started affiliating with DCM, FAHOM unedr the Master Prof Dr Nik Omar of Malaysia, who encouraged me to join and enjoyed the learning experience with the vast experience of Prof Omar.

Future Ambition: to complete my master in Acupuncture next year.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Acupuncture Benefit You

Acupuncture causes the body to release pleasant, happy chemicals into the body called endorphins. The endorphins are natural opiates, which relieve pain and increase a person’s sense of relaxation and well being. They can give a person a “natural high” similar to the feeling we have at peak experiences in our lives. This is one of the reasons that acupuncture is so useful in the treatment of many types of addictions.

How Acupuncture Will Benefit You:

Acid Reflux
ADHD/Attention Deficit
Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Common Cold
Chronic Fatigue
Hay Fever
High Cholesterol
Hot Flashes
Hypertension/High Blood Pressure
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Kidney Stones
Morning Sickness
Multiple Sclerosis
Neck Pain
Quit Smoking
Peripheral Neuropathy
Pinched Nerve
Plantar Fasciitis
Poor Memory
Shoulder Pain
Sinus Infection
Skin Conditions
Stomach Flu
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Urinary Frequency/incontinence
Weight Loss
Acupuncture also encourages relaxation by loosening tight muscles. A person can leave a session feeling as if they had a good, deep massage. Many of my patients walk into their first session dreading needles and walk out of their first session feeling as relaxed and happy as a purring cat.

Akupunktur adalah satu kaedah perawatan China yang dapat memberi penyembuhan kepada pesakit-pesakit yang menderita ' sakit urat saraf, sakit bahu, sakit sendi tulang, sakit belakang, lumbago, slip disc, sakit tengkok, bell palsy, naeuralgia, stroke, migraine, tinnitus, kanak-kanak kencing malam, masalah prostat, dll'

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Acupuncture Centre of Extension Education

Greetings and Welcome!

I bid you a warm welcome to the webpage of The Centre for Extension Education (CEE) of the Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia ,Department of Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture- FAHOM - DCMAc

Globalisation and the rapid growth of information and knowledge make it crucial for institutions of higher learning to look beyond traditional boundaries of formal education towards education for lifelong development. The market today needs fast and effective delivery of personal and professional development programmes in response to the constantly changing lifestyle and business world.

FAHOM,through CEE, meets this marketplace challenge by developing and offering continuing improvement courses to individuals and organisations.

The courses offered range from talks, seminars and short courses to degree programmes. The classes are conducted on full-time and part-time (evenings & weekends) basis. This flexible mode of study provides easy accessibility to lifelong learning opportunities for working and non-working individuals to update and upgrade themselves to meet the demands of the skills and knowledge-based society.

Come join us to be part of the lifelong learning culture!

Join Acupuncture Centre of Extension Education
More detail

Acupuncture Centre at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Waiting Room at Our Acupuncture Centre Jalan Raja Laut. Prhaps one of the best acupuncture centre in Malaysia.

Our Counter at 118 Jalan Raja Laut Acupuncture Centre

Consultation Room of Acupuncturist Dr Nik Omar, one of the first Malay Acupuncturist in Malaysia, having experience more than 20 years.

Di hadapan klinik acupuncture kami di 118 Jalan Raja Laut, KL tel 03 4042 2020

Malay Acupuncture in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Area

Acupuncture Centre in Malaysia

Acupuncture Community Service in Area:

Kuala Lumpur Area: The nesrest place No. 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. Tel 03-4042 2020

Damansara Utama Area: No.3, Jalan SS 21/60 Damansara Utama Uptown, P.J. ( Near Balai Polis Damansara Utama ) Tel 019 9401815

Shah Alam Area: No. 29 Off Jalan Pesiaraan Kerjaya - Glenmarie, Sek U1, Shah Alam, Selangor. Tel: 013 931 4166

Bandar Baru Bangi: No1 Jalan 9/9C Depan Masjid Hijau Sek 9, Bandar Baru Bangi. tel: 019 940 1915

Kelantan Pasir Mas: Kg Gelang Mas, Kelantan. Tel: 09 797 6948

Acupuncture and Prolapse

Prolapse of Rectum

Prolapse of rectum indicates a condition in which the rectum and the intestinal mucous membrane fall out of the anus. It is often observed in children and old people and is due to the weakness of the tissues supporting the rectum. Congenital hypoplasia of children and deformity of the sacral bone may result in weakness and flaccidity of muscular levator and perianal tissues. When rectum loses it support from these tissues, it falls and projects out of the anus. In addition, chronic constipation, diarrhoea and dysuria can also cause the illness.

Clinical Manifestation

Prolapse of the rectum is chronic with a slow onset. At the early stage, the rectum only prolapse on the passage of stool and then returns back spontaneously. But if not treated timely or when the patients is very weak, prolapse may occur at anytime when the patient coughs, cries, stands and squats. Spontaneous return become impossible. The recurrent prolapse may lead to congestion, oedema and ulcer of the rectum and the sensation of discomfort around the anus. Dirrhoea and constipation will create prolapse of anus more serious.

Compare: Prolapse of Uterus [ Ketumbungan]

Acupuncture Treatment

Main points DU1 Changqiang, Ren1 Huiyin, B20, B23 and St 36

Homeopathic Medication

Lyco., Phos., Sil., Arnica Mont., Hammemelis, Thuja, Hepr Sulp., Collisonia.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Homeopathic Medical Centre

Our Homeopathic Medical Centre HQ at Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas,Kelantan, Malaysia

Our Sek 9, Bandar Baru Bangi Branch [ Near Maybank Islamic]

Damansara Utama Branch

Our Medical Centre at 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur
[ Near KFC - PWTC ] Tel 03 4042 2020

Last Month One New Acupuncture Clinic has been set up by Ac Nik Fairuz Hakim at Shah Alam Gelnmarie Sek U1 [ Near Stadium - Shell )

Own by: Ac Nik Fairuz Hakim bin Dr Nik Omar
Address: No. 29 Jalan Peniaga 21/34
[ Off Jalan Kerjaya - Glenmarie ]
Shah Alam, Selangor

Tel: 013 931 4166

Open Everyday: 9.00 am till 7.30 pm

laman baru kami

[ Community Clinic For People Around: Shah Alam, TTDI Jaya, Subang Jaya, Subang, Sunway, Sungai Buloh, Klang, Banting, Meru, Puchong, Batu Tiga, Bukit Beruntong, etc. ]

Service Offered: Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Bekam Al-Hijamah ( Cupping )
We also Offer: KURSUS BEKAM call us 019-931 4166

Cases Treated With Acupuncture at our Medical Centre No.118 Jalan Raja Laut, KL

Acpuncture are recommended for the treatment of Piles, fibroid, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and Gent Infertility.

WHO has recommended acupunture treatment for migraine, stroke, bell palsy, slip disc, lumbago, etc.

Acupuncture Eases Radiation

Acupuncture Eases Radiation-induced Dry Mouth In Cancer Patients

ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2009) — Twice weekly acupuncture treatments relieve debilitating symptoms of xerostomia - severe dry mouth - among patients treated with radiation for head and neck cancer, researchers from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report in the current online issue of Head & Neck.

Xerostomia develops after the salivary glands have been exposed to repeated doses of therapeutic radiation. People who have cancers of the head and neck typically receive large cumulative doses, rendering the salivary glands incapable of producing adequate saliva, said Mark S. Chambers, M.S., D.M.D., a professor in the Department of Dental Oncology. Saliva substitutes, lozenges and chewing gum bring only temporary relief, and the commonly prescribed medication, pilocarpine, has short-lived benefits and bothersome side effects of its own.

"The quality of life in patients with radiation-induced xerostomia is profoundly impaired," said Chambers, the study's senior author. "Symptoms can include altered taste acuity, dental decay, infections of the tissues of the mouth, and difficulty with speaking, eating and swallowing. Conventional treatments have been less than optimal, providing short-term response at best."

M. Kay Garcia, LAc, Dr.P.H., a clinical nurse specialist and acupuncturist in M. D. Anderson's Integrative Medicine Program and the study's first author, noted that patients with xerostomia may also develop nutritional deficits that can become irreversible.

Garcia, Chambers and their team of researchers conducted a pilot study to determine whether acupuncture could reverse xerostomia. Acupuncture therapy is based on the ancient Chinese practice of inserting and manipulating very thin needles at precise points on the body to relieve pain or otherwise restore health. In traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating these points is believed to improve the flow of vital energy through the body. Contemporary theories about acupuncture's benefits include the suggestion that needle manipulation stimulates natural substances that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to different areas of the body.

The M. D. Anderson study included 19 patients with xerostomia who had completed radiation therapy at least four weeks earlier. The patients were given two acupuncture treatments each week for four weeks. The acupuncture points used in the treatment were located on the ears, chin, index finger, forearm and lateral surface of the leg. All patients were tested for saliva flow and asked to complete self-assessments and questionnaires related to their symptoms and quality of life before the first treatment, after completion of four weeks of acupuncture, and again four weeks later.

The twice weekly acupuncture treatments produced highly statistically significant improvements in symptoms. Measurement tools included: the Xerostomia Inventory, asking patients to rate the dryness of their mouth and other related symptoms; and the Patient Benefit Questionnaire, inquiring about issues such as mouth and tongue discomfort; difficulties in speaking, eating and sleeping; and use of oral comfort aids. A quality-of-life assessment conducted at weeks five and eight showed significant improvements over quality-of-life scores recorded at the outset of the study.

"In this pilot study, patients with severe xerostomia who underwent acupuncture showed improvements in physical well-being and in subjective symptoms," Dr. Chambers said. "Although the patient population was small, the positive results are encouraging and warrant a larger trial to assess patients over a longer period of time."

Garcia said that a phase III, placebo-controlled trial is planned and is currently under review. She also noted that in other studies, the M. D. Anderson researchers are examining whether acupuncture can prevent xerostomia in patients treated for head and neck cancer, not just treat it.

"Recently, we completed a study at Fudan University Cancer Hospital in Shanghai, China that compared acupuncture to usual care to prevent xerostomia. We have now started a two-arm placebo-controlled pilot trial in Shanghai. In the prevention trials, acupuncture is performed on the same day as the radiation treatments," Garcia said.

In addition to Chambers and Garcia, other authors on the all-M. D. Anderson study include: Joseph S. Chiang, M.D. and Thomas Rahlfs, M.D., Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine; Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D. and Qi Wei, M.S., Department of Behavioral Science/Integrative Medicine; Meide Liu, LAc, Place of Wellness; J. Lynn Palmer, Ph.D., Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine Research; David I. Rosenthal, M.D., Department of Radiation Oncology; and Samuel Tung, M.S. and Congjun Wang, Ph.D., Department of Radiation Physics.

Acupuncture For Low Back pain

Acupuncture-Like Treatments Improve Outcomes Compared to Usual Care for Low Back Pain

People suffering from chronic low back pain who received acupuncture or simulated acupuncture treatments fared better than those receiving only conventional care According to a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.[1] The study highlights central questions about the mechanisms of benefit seen in acupuncture studies.

This trial, led by Daniel Cherkin, Ph.D., of Group Health Center for Health Studies in Seattle, was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a component of the National Institutes of Health.

"Because of the lack of highly effective medical treatments for chronic low back pain, we were pleased to find that acupuncture-like treatments were helpful for persons suffering from chronic back pain," said Dr. Cherkin. “However, the finding that real acupuncture produced no greater benefit than simulated acupuncture raises important questions about acupuncture’s mechanisms of action."

This trial enrolled 638 adults with chronic low back pain who had never had acupuncture and who had rated the "bothersomeness" of their pain as at least a 3 on a 0-to-10 scale. The participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: individualized acupuncture, involving a customized prescription for acupuncture points from a diagnostician; standardized acupuncture, using a single prescription for acupuncture points that experts consider generally effective for chronic low back pain; simulated acupuncture, which mimics needle acupuncture but does not involve actual penetration of the skin; or usual care, which is standard medical care.

The patients assigned to any of the three acupuncture groups (individualized, standardized, or simulated) were treated twice weekly for three weeks, and then weekly for four weeks. At 8, 26, and 52 weeks, researchers measured back-related dysfunction and how much symptoms bothered participants.

The researchers found that at eight weeks the individualized, standardized, and simulated acupuncture groups all improved their dysfunction scores significantly more than the group receiving usual care. These benefits persisted for one year, though diminished over time. However, there was no significant difference between the groups receiving the needle and simulated forms of acupuncture. Thus, while acupuncture was found effective in treating low back pain, neither tailoring acupuncture needle sites to an individual patient nor penetrating the skin appears to be important for receiving therapeutic benefit.

"The findings of this research show that acupuncture-like treatments, including simulated acupuncture, can elicit positive responses," said Josephine P. Briggs, M.D., director of NCCAM. "This adds to the growing body of evidence that there is something meaningful taking place during acupuncture treatments outside of actual needling. Future research is needed to delve deeper into what is evoking these responses."

The researchers believe that further research is needed to determine the roles of patient expectancy, practitioner reassurance and the physiological effects of non-insertive stimulation and other effects that may contribute to acupuncture-like benefits.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s mission is to explore complementary and alternative medical practices in the context of rigorous science, train CAM researchers, and disseminate authoritative information to the public and professionals. For additional information, call NCCAM’s Clearinghouse toll free at 1-888-644-6226, or visit the NCCAM Web site at NCCAM 1999–2009: Celebrating 10 years of rigorous research.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) — The Nation's Medical Research Agency — includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit
1 Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Avins AL, et al. A Randomized Trial Comparing Acupuncture, Simulated Acupuncture, and Usual Care for Chronic Low Back Pain. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009;169[9]:858

Using Acupuncture To Help Children Heal

Using Acupuncture To Help Children Heal
Dr. Mallika Marshall Reporting

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing. Now local doctors are using it to help treat children.

Sandra Kean suffers from migraines as well as severe abdominal pain as a result of a condition called ulcerative colitis. In addition to having surgery, she comes to Children's Hospital Boston for regular acupuncture treatments to help relieve her pain. "I would be doubled over, uncomfortable and crying, and then after I went to acupuncture, I was more relaxed and calm and the side effects were basically gone."

"After a week or two, we weren't getting any more complaining about her abdominal pain or her back pain," said Sandra's mother Roseanne.

Children's started offering patients acupuncture as a complementary therapy in 2000.

"Lots of kids will be saying to us, 'I don't want needles,' however; after careful explanation and demonstration, kids to very well with acupuncture," said Dr. Yuan-Chi Lin of Children's Hospital Boston.

Doctors have used acupuncture to help hundreds of patients, ranging from teenagers like Sandra to the tiniest of babies."I have done acupuncture for premature infants to decrease their anxiety when they are in the intensive care unit," said Dr. Lin.

Dr. Lin has conducted studies which have shown that children who suffered from headaches, stomach aches and other chronic pain, felt less pain, missed less school and were able to sleep better after receiving acupuncture treatments for a year.

Unconventional Medicine

Unconventional Medicine

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About four in 10 U.S. adults and one in nine children are turning to unconventional medical approaches for chronic pain and other health problems, health officials said on Wednesday.

Back pain was the leading reason that Americans reported using complementary and alternative medicine techniques, followed by neck and joint pain as well as arthritis, according to the survey by the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

About 38 percent of adults used some form of complementary and alternative medicine in 2007, compared to 36 percent in 2002, the last time the government tracked at the matter.

For the first time, the survey looked at use of such medicine by children under age 18, finding that about 12 percent used it, officials said. The reasons included back pain, colds, anxiety, stress and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to the survey.

Infertility : Homeopathy Can Do Wonders

Infertility: Homeopathy can do wonders

Monday, May 11, 2009

The birth of first test tube baby, Louis Brown, in Manchester on July 25, 1978, was played up by the media to such an extent that issueless couples believed it as the best option for them. This served the interests of the medical industry and not that of the humanity.

The medical industry takes patients as machines that need to be fixed. Their approach can be best described in the words of a doctor who once told BBC, “You are deliberately setting out to create human beings and then destroying them.”

A homeopath, however, takes his patients as human beings and not as machines. The causes of infertility include a wide range of emotional and physical factors. Homeopathy believes in the individualization and gives primary importance to the fixing of vital force in the process of healing of an individual patient.

In most of female infertility cases it is either the blockage of fallopian tubes or the improper formation of eggs that forestalls conception. Many procedures like IUI, IVF, ICSI, MESA, TESA etc. are being adopted by the artificial reproductive technology these days to help patients suffering from infertility problems.

The birth of the test tube baby was the first event of its kind in the history of medical industry. But homeopathy has been successfully treating the infertility problems for the last two centuries. It focuses on the restoration of health gently, promptly and permanently. Its diagnostic methods, based on symptoms, are more reliable than the pathological lab reports. However, a homeopathic doctor may consider these reports for further confirmation of his analysis.

It gives me deep satisfaction as a physician that I was given chances by Allah Almighty to successfully treat many couples suffering from infertility. Most of these couples were told by reputed doctors that the only possibility for them to have a child was through the artificial reproduction technology. I remember a lady, who came from Karachi, had only one blocked fallopian tube, the other being already removed by surgeons. Some patients had asked her to try homeopathic treatment. She got the medicine and went back to Karachi. She returned after three months and to my delight her test reports showed that her blocked fallopian tube was absolutely clear and perfectly all right. She told me that her doctor said that there are now chances for conception if her ovaries could produce proper mature eggs. Then she asked, with hope in her eyes, “Doctor, is there any medicine in homeopathy for healthy eggs also?”

Although the successful homeopathic treatment of record cases of infertility is heartening, yet it disheartens me that a majority of the infertile patients are unaware of the efficacy of homeopathy. God is so kind that He has given us homeopathy. Europe and America are spending billions of dollars every year on homeopathy but do not let it become popular in the third world.

Our neighbour India had started patronizing homeopathy on government level sixty years ago and now homeopathic physicians there are providing cheap and effective alternative treatment to hundreds of millions of their countrymen. India has become the hub of homeopathy-related activities the world over.

In our country only certain individuals are doing research in this field. Our government is still oblivious to the importance of patronising homeopathy, which has great potential of curing problems not only of the infertile couples but also of all patients including those suffering from cancer and hepatitis.

Dr Asghar Ali Shah

Homeopathic Physician

More Infertility News

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Protect Yourself From Swine Flu, Naturally

Protect Yourself from Swine Flu, Naturally

From: Gabriel Traub, USA

I received so many calls from people in a panic about swine flu, that I wanted to share some information that can help.
Symptoms of Swine Flu include fever, coughing, fatigue and headache.

It is important to be smart and take precautions, but there is no need to panic. Please pass this along and let's help prevent this outbreak together.

Wishing you good health,Gabrielle Traub, certified homeopath.

What can you do to protect yourself and your families?

· A number of studies show that taking Homeopathic Influenzinum 9c once a week during outbreaks can prevent you getting the flu.

I have a limited quantity in stock, so please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to purchase some from me.

Give your immune system a boost

The best way to prevent getting sick is by keeping your immune system in tip top shape:

The recommended dose for healthy adults is at least 1000mg. Speak to your doctor if you have kidney disease before taking Vitamin C. It is important to increase your water intake when taking Vitamin C

During an outbreak I recommend taking a herbal immune support supplement such as "The Wellness Formulae" by Source Naturals: available at most health food stores. (This should NOT be taken for extended periods.)

Nothing affects the immune systems performance as not enough sleep. Most adults require between 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

Make sure you're getting enough down time. Exercise is a great way to reduce your stress. Yoga and meditation have been proven to reduce stress levels.

Simple hygiene practices such as washing your hands with hot soapy water, especially before eating or after using the bathroom has historically been shown to reduce the spreading of infections.

If you are immunocompromised or have small children, it is best to avoid crowded places when at all possible. Aeroplanes are notorious for spreading airborne infections.

These types of outbreaks like this makes me think about the impact of conventional farming methods and the treatment, and as a consequence, the health of the animals we eat. Another reason to support organic farmers.

What To Do If You Suspect / Get The Swine Flu

What to do if you get the swine flu:

It is important to notify your doctor if you think you have swine flu, so that any necessary treatments can be administered and that the Center for Disease Control has records of outbreaks.

Oscillococcinum (available at most health food stores) is the number one selling over the counter treatment for all kinds of flu. Oscillococcinum reduces the severity and duration of the flu.

Your homeopath will recommend a homeopathic remedy for your specific case of the flu. Individualized homeopathic treatment works best because no two people are alike. Homeopathic remedies work by giving your immune system and boost and can reduce the severity and duration of your illness.

There is nothing heroic about going to work when you are sick and infecting everyone else in the office or school. Especially during an outbreak, it is best to stay away from work or school and allow your body to rest. Don't send your sick child off to school as the school will become a breeding ground for an epidemic.

It is easy to dehydrate when you have a fever. Drink 6-8 cups of room temperature or warm water. Add lemon, honey ginger or cayenne pepper. Avoid cold or iced water especially when you are sick.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Our New Medical Centre at Kuala Lumpur HQ

With effective From 1st May 2009
We are no more at Jalan Raja Abdullah, Kg Baru

From 11 May 2009, We have Shifted To Our New Clinic at
No12-1, Jalan 2/23a, Off Jalan Genting Klang, Taman Danau Kota, Setapak 53300 , Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 0341417770 or 0193700999 

Clinic Time: 9.30 am till 7.00 pm daily Sunday Until 1.00 only.  *Homeopathic & Acupuncture Centre* at Kuala Lumpur, HQ  Tel: 03- 41417770/019-3700999 We Are Situated at the MAIN ROAD Off jalan Genting Klang. from Bulatan Pahang to Jalan genting Klang.. heading to MRR2  
Walking Distance From: Columbia Hospital, Opposite to Festival City Mall,  Near JPJ / Puspakom Wangsa Maju,  
 Nearest Station: Wangsa Maju LRT Station

Friday, April 17, 2009

Calendar Of Acupuncture Courses 2009

Calender of Students Coming to Malaysia To Take Acupuncture Course 2009

Here are list of Acupuncture Students Who Will be Coming to Malaysia to take Acupuncture course at our Institute.

February 2009:

* Mr Mahadi - Malaysia
* Dr Simon Benfield - United Kingdom
* Dr Kelvint Lam - Brazil

March 2009

* Dr Zainab Kusiar - Malaysia
* Dr Faisal Ramadan Al-Kandary - Syria
* Mrs Soad Ali Sarkaz - Libya

April 2009

* Dr Ahmad Shhiep - Saudi Arabia
* Mrs Soad Ali Sarkaz - Libya
* Dr Hayder Jabor - Holland
* Dr Maryam Unal - Greece
* Dr Adam Wong - Malaysia

May 2009

* Nika Skrjanc - Greece

July 2009

* Dr Anne Maree Downing - Australia

August 2009

* Dr David Manfield - New York, USA

September 2009

* Dr Ahmet Mir - Istabul, Turkey
* Dr Eric Blake - Norway

October 2009

* 4-5 th October - 10 students all over the world be taking acupuncture course, while attending 18th Internatiaon Conference on Acupuncture & Homeopathy at Kuala Lumpur. Headed by Dr Memhet Kocabas from Turkey.

* Dr Chairong Dusit - Bangkok, Thailand
* Mr Samuel Hall - Phillipine

November 2009

* Dr Haroon Iqbal - South Africa


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
and Complementary Medicine

Some Options

For anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being, and reducing pain

Homeopathy Treatment
Deep breathing
Muscle relaxation techniques
Healing touch
Movement therapies: stretching, physical therapy, yoga, qigong, and tai chi
Alleviate pain and improve energy

Homeopathic Medication

Masalah Keletihan
Ramai dikalangan para pesakit tidak tahu kemana mereka harus pergi untuk mendapatkan rawatan untuk masalah keletihan, penat atau juga dikenali sebagai ' Chronic fatigue Syndrome' atau dalam Bahasa melayu - Syndrom Keletihan.

Baik orang tua mahupun orang muda, penyakit ini boleh diatasi dengan memakan ubat-ubat homepati serta membuat terapi akupunktur.

Reiki Healing & Fibroyalgia

Does reiki complement pain control in fibromyalgia?
More than 50 major hospitals and clinics throughout the United States offer energy healing to patients

This study by researchers from the University of Washington concluded, “Neither reiki nor touch improved the symptoms of fibromyalgia.”

First, the details.

100 adults with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to a treatment group.
Reiki by a reiki master
Sham reiki by an actor
Direct touch
No touch (distant therapy)
Treatment was twice-weekly for 8 weeks.
The researchers looked for changes in subjective pain as measured by visual analog scale during, at the end of the study, and 3 months later.
The researchers were not aware of the treatment given — single-blinded.
And, the results.

Neither reiki nor touch had any effect on pain.
There were also no changes in physical and mental functioning, medication use, and health provider visits.
The responses among the 4 treatment groups during the study were nearly identical.
The bottom line?

A website called Fibromyalgia Symptoms advances reiki as a “holistic treatment that plays an effective role in fibromyalgia treatment and in helping to alleviate many fibromyalgia symptoms.” And the researchers tell us that 55% of patients with fibromyalgia have used energy medicine such as reiki, therapeutic touch, qigong, and magnet therapy.

I searched back to 2005 and this is the only placebo-controlled study of reiki in fibromyalgia.

Considering the few options available and its safety, people with fibromyalgia who experience relief from touch therapy should be encouraged as long as they don’t forgo accompanying treatments.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What Others Says About Dr Nik Omar

Dr Nik at Geneva, Swiss 2008

Apa Orang Kata Tentang Dr Nik Omar

One of the leading Acupuncturist &
Alternative Health Practitioner in Malaysia

From: Courtesy From Wing of Gold , Malaysian Airline Magazine, January 1996
By Alison Nadel, A British Journalist

The waiting room of Dr Nik Omar's clinic in busy. A schoolboy whose asthma cleared up within a day of taking homeopathic remedy has come back for some medicine to treat a cold. A young woman is waiting for a pregnancy check up and to start a course of medicine for any esy delivery. A man whose severe migraine vanished after being treated by Dr Nik six months ago, has dropped in to pick up a repeat prescription.

For them, teher is no question that alternative medicine works. Like many of Dr Nik's patients, they show little concern about how or why it is effective. Only a few of the people in his waiting room say that they have come because homeopathy and acupuncture uses natural substances. More stress the facts that it is cheap.

One elderly man, partially paralysed and walking with a stick, says that since his last heart attack, there is nothing more that his doctor can do for him, homeopathy and acupuncture is his last hope.

Dr Nik Omar does not fit the stereotype of the dedicated healer quietly pioneering his art. He is too bulish. Both his colleagues and his rivals acknowledge his tremendous energy. All recognise that he, more than anyone, in responsible for raising the medicine's profile in Malaysia.

Dr Nik has written hundreds of articles about ghis works in various newpapers and magazine locally and abroad. He is an active member of the international homeopathic and acupuncture community.

Dr Nik has trainning in both conventional and homeopathic alternative medicine. He did his first degree in Pakistan from 1970 till 1975 and persue toLondon School of Chiropody in 1975 till 1977 and came back to Malaysia and started a homeopathic clinic right in the heart of his home town of Kota Bharu.[ See his bio-data]

Currently he is conducting a study of infertility which has brought one of the most celeberated successes in his carieer as alternative health practitioner. He has successfully treated more than 3,000 couples of infertility and within 3 to 4 months of treatment the women's pregnancy was confirmed.

In 2002 he again started perhaps one of the biggest homeopathic and acupuncture centre in Malaysia at Pasir Mas, Kelantan with the cost of RM $ 4millions.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Acupuncture Helping Inmates Beat Addictions

Treatment centerpiece of program
The Baltimore Sun
Updated: 04/02/2009 01:44:45 AM PDT

BALTIMORE — Beyond the iron gate, the fence and the razor wire, 10 inmates in maroon uniforms sit in stillness, listening to the serene sounds of sitar music. Eyes closed, hands folded, they await the tiny pricks of acupuncture needles inserted delicately into their ears.
Ancient Chinese medicine came to Baltimore's jail 16 years ago with the promise of curbing the cravings of drug addiction. Since then, acupuncture has been the centerpiece of a treatment program that serves nearly 700 inmates each year.

Modern science has not found solid evidence that it works. Nonetheless, the inmates claim that with acupuncture, all they crave are the meditative moments it brings. They say it soothes them and helps clear their cluttered minds to find the strength to confront their addiction.

"I've done buprenorphine and methadone, but neither one of them could compare to those needles," says Derrick Brooks, 42, who has battled heroin addiction his entire adult life. "Those needles put you in touch with stuff that's within you that no pill or nothing else could do."

District Judge Jamey H. Hueston thinks every addict should try it.

"I am a huge fan of acupuncture," says Hueston, who presides over the city's drug court. "I have sent people in there kicking and screaming, resentful and scowling at me. And later they say, 'Judge, thank you.'"

Acupuncture is the key element of the Addicts Changing Together Substance Abuse Program administered by the drug court.
Beginning for women in 1993 and for men three years later, the program steers nonviolent offenders to a rigorous 45-day behind-bars regimen in lieu of a longer prison term.

In addition to 25 acupuncture sessions, inmates receive group and individual counseling, GED training and life-skills classes. Recently, the program added a family mediation option for addicts who long ago burned family bridges but want to mend them.

Participants reside in a separate dorm at the Baltimore City Detention Center, away from the general population, and are encouraged to rely on one another for support.

The theory behind the acupuncture treatment is that it releases naturally occurring chemicals in the body that ease the symptoms of drug withdrawal and help users fight their addiction.

An acupuncturist places superfine stainless-steel needles in five points in the outer ear, each one designed to evoke a particular feeling, from calming the spirit to acceptance to reminding a person of his willpower. The recipient then sits quietly for 30 to 40 minutes. Lights are dimmed, and soft music plays to promote meditation.

Eastern medicine experts say what is at work is not just New Age wishful thinking.

The treatment causes the body to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which go to the same receptors in the brain that are turned on when someone takes drugs, says Dr. Lixing Lao, director of the traditional Chinese medicine program at the University of Maryland's Center for Integrative Medicine.

The technique works to treat pain in the same way, says Lao, who works closely with Maryland Shock Trauma Center, treating patients who have been critically injured.

"The concept is very obvious," he says. "If acupuncture works for pain, it should work for heroin addiction."

In the 1970s, doctors in a New York hospital began trying the ancient technique to treat heroin addiction. Since then, acupuncture centers have popped up around the world.

At a cost of $40,000 a year for all 688 inmates, the acupuncture portion of the city jail program is cheap by most treatment standards. But its supporters stress that it must be used with counseling and other services to be effective.

The state Division of Correction does not track inmates after they complete the program and does not keep data on whether addicts stay clean. But Mohammad Riaz Ahmad, the program's director, points to studies that suggest acupuncture's effectiveness. A Yale University study found that 55 percent of participants tested free of cocaine during the last week of acupuncture treatment, compared with 24 percent and 9 percent in two groups that did not have acupuncture. But a follow-up study contradicted the earlier findings, and researchers said the topic needed more research.

A 2001 study of an acupuncture program at Baltimore's Penn North Neighborhood Center found that nearly one-third of patients stayed in the program for at least 30 sessions, or about three months, and that their rate of being arrested and charged decreased.

"We are not saying it's curing addiction — there is no cure for addiction," says Dave Wurzel, a certified acupuncturist whose firm does the jail's treatments. "Just like there is no cure for heart disease or diabetes. All we are doing in addiction treatment is lowering the risk factor that this person will die today of his or her addiction."

Officials with the jail program say the big problem comes when it's time for participants to be released.

About 80 percent of inmates who complete the program need the structured support of a residential treatment facility for as long as a year afterward, officials say. But demand for such treatment is so great that the facilities don't bother to keep a waiting list, says Gregory C. Warren, who heads Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems, the quasi-governmental agency that oversees drug treatment in the city.

Graduates of the acupuncture program often are referred to outpatient programs instead of residential centers. If those slots are full, the inmates sometimes must be held in the general prison population for up to several weeks until a treatment space opens up.

"If it's one day, it's bad," says Danny McCoy, the detention center's assistant warden. "Back inside the institution, they are encountering all the things and people that would defeat the purpose of all they have learned in the treatment process."

The lure of the street is even worse, says Brooks, who took part in the jail's acupuncture program a decade ago. He stayed clean for six years.

He started selling drugs at age 12, the same year his mother moved in with her boyfriend and left him to largely fend for himself. At 17, he snorted heroin for the first time.

But after his first stint in the acupuncture program, he felt transformed. He fell in love, got married and had a baby boy. Brooks worked two jobs, and the family lived in a house they rented but hoped to buy.

Eventually, though, he started hanging out with old friends in the drug game and stopped going to church and to Narcotics Anonymous meetings. One day, he tried a "tester" of heroin being hawked on a corner. Just one hit, he thought. By the time he was arrested last year, he was doing $200 a day worth of dope.

"I gave back six years in three seconds," he says, wiping away tears. "Why? Please don't ask me that. That's why I'm here now, trying to figure out why."

Brooks graduates this week, complete with a cap, gown and celebration. But he doesn't want any accolades. He knows his biggest accomplishment lies ahead.

"When I get back in society, that's when the real test comes," he says. "This is nothing compared to what I got to do."

Ketagihan Dadah Boleh di rawat dengan Akupunktur
Pengalaman Prof Dr Nik Omar selama 30 tahun melihat banyak perkembangan untuk membuang tabiat ketagihan dadah dikalangan para adit pill kuda, heroine dan morpin. Ujian-ujian serta kajian beliau telah membantu ramai para penagih keluar dari keponpong penagihan dengan kaedah ini.

Ingin mecuba kaedah Detox Dadah Secara Akupunktur, sila jumpa Prof Nik Segera