Monday, August 10, 2009

Homeopathic Medicine to Built Up Immune System

Listed here are few Homeopathic remedies to Built Up Immune System
against all virus.

It is better to take some precaution rather than just wait and see.

For preventive against Flu, Coughing,H1N1, Hepatitis A B or C, running nose etc

list few remedies as preventive

Infulzarinum, bacillinum, Pyrogenium, Tuberculinum, Aconite napellus, Belladonna, Dulcamara, Drosera, Calc Phos., Calc Fliur, ferr Phos., Cup met. Allium Cepa, Rhus Tox.

Makan Ubat pencegahan

Daripada Tunggu Dan Lihat, Lebih baik Makan Ubat Homeopati
Untuk Pencegahan Dari Sebarang Serangan Penyakit.

Suspected H1N1 please go direct to government Hospital

Dr Nik Omar Homeopathic Medical Centre is doing a Meaningful Role in Improving the Standard of Health Among The Population and Complementing The Efforts Made by The Government - To Make 1Malaysia Gemilang.

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